Orientación – EN

1. Do you like Sudoku?

2. Are you interested in political news?

3. Do you enjoy an old book?

4. Do you like to debate abstract ideas and philosophical theories?

5. Would you join an NGO to go work as a volunteer in a country?

6. Can you name 5 people from your country's government?

7. Which historical figure do you prefer?

8. What would you look for in your dream job?

9. What is your opinion on Artificial Intelligences (AI)?

10. What is your opinion on Climate Change?

11. Which movie did you enjoy the most?

12. If you're at a party and need to split expenses among friends...

13. Latin is...

14. Do you enjoy writing by hand on paper?

15. The worst subject I have ever taken is...

16. I prefer to read a magazine...

17. If I had a time machine, I would go to...

18. Which discovery or event is most important to you?

19. Where would you like to visit?

20. "70% of the population under 25 is unemployed due to lack of jobs and pollutes three times more than those who are employed." What is the first thing that caught your attention in the headline?


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